The Pandemic and the Construction Industry
Dec 07th, 2021
The Pandemic and the Construction Industry
The worst of the pandemic seems to be in our rear-view mirror, and one thing is perfectly clear as we reflect on the human and economic impacts – the construction sector was a pillar of strength throughout the crisis.
From the outset, we in the building industry took every precaution to successfully ensure of the safety of our workers. Screening was stringent and working conditions were closely monitored and governed by safety protocols outlined by government and health professionals.
This enabled us to continue building… and working… and earning income for our teams and their families. The safety measures also reduced the stress of actually being on the job during the darkest days of the pandemic when fear and anxiety were the rule of the day.
As professionals, we all worked together, creating a reliable and dependable stronghold within the Canadian economy.
We’ve also seen more clearly that the construction industry is able to forge ahead during recessionary times and periods of economic slowdown while other sectors sag.
Governments have changed their tune over the decades about the value of pumping billions of dollars into infrastructure projects, now realizing the benefits of those massive investments in the form of jobs, tax revenue and increased productivity for the entire economy.
Still, we are facing a severe shortage of labour and skilled trade workers in construction. Hundreds of thousands of women and men are needed to fill the positions required to build new housing, skyscrapers, roads, bridges and other vital infrastructure. What makes this worse, and compounds the shortage problem is that despite the demand and the promise of secure, high-paying jobs – there still exists an enduring stereotype around ‘the construction worker’ that chokes the pipeline of talented people from entering the industry as a whole. Unfortunately this starts with parents, teachers and guidance counsellors – and this needs to change.
During the lockdowns we watched our friends and family members who rely on the service sector for income take big financial hits.
All this makes today the perfect time for men AND women to seriously consider a future in the construction industry. Trade schools are up and running and companies like ours are constantly seeking top talent, and are ready to hire people with the passion, dedication and skills required to build a secure future.
The pandemic changed our lives forever. And there’s no better time to consider embarking on a new career that provides job security, solid benefits, a pension and great pay.
Looking in the rear-view mirror can be a productive exercise… if you are also able to see what lies ahead of you.
– Matt Stainton